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Table 1 Conceptual differences of data mining approach.

From: Data mining of mental health issues of non-bone marrow donor siblings

Research area

Electronic medical record


This study: Mental health on NDS

Data source

Physicians/nurses' Description, laboratory data and radiologic images on medical record

Gene expression data from cDNA microarray/mass spectrometry

Interview with the subject

Expected results

Automatic and effective data extraction/sorting

Extraction of genes/proteins with statistical significance

Classification of gene/proteins

Visualization of gene/protein expression pattern or pathway

Extraction of important and rarely-appeared words

Visualization of relationship between keywords


Supervised/Unsupervised approach

Supervised/Unsupervised approach

Unsupervised approach

Representative algorism of data mining technique

Data extraction matching with prepared data criteria

To provide statistically meaningful analysis for high-throughput and multi-dimensional biological data in the association with phenotype

To discover unanticipated, rarely appeared key-elements by Scenario Map analysis


Linking between medical record description and research issues

To develop effective and commonly available electronic health record

To discover new biomarker or diagnostic method

To discover therapeutic target

For better clinical follow-up by understanding unanticipated individual concerns

  1. Conceptual differences of data mining approach in representative medical research areas are shown. *Supervised approach aims for testing or validation of hypothesis while unsupervised approach used for discovering unanticipated events or knowledge.